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Więcej informacji o plikach cookies oraz przetwarzaniu danych osobowych znajdziesz w Polityce prywatności.

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Quality policy

MAGTRANS focuses on the highest quality of services for two main reasons: these are the requirements of the modern TSL market, but most importantly because we have enjoyed the trust of our customers and have been working with them daily for over 43 years.

The quality policy priorities are defined and managed by the Management Board of the Magtrans Group. 
The overriding goal of our operations is to ensure customer satisfaction.

ISO 9001:2015

We have the Certificate confirming the compliance of the Quality Management System with the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Quality policy - MAGTRANS
Quality policy - MAGTRANS
Quality policy - MAGTRANS



Our directions of action
in order to implement
the quality policy are:


Involvement of employees in the provision of services meeting customer requirements. Developing among employees the belief in the importance of quality and the fact that everyone is responsible for the quality of their work.


Establishing partnership relations with the client, consisting in meeting their expectations and requirements. We show our customers that it is worth trusting us. We are constantly raising the standards of service.


Implementation and maintenance of a quality management system enabling good work organization. Detailed procedures prevent errors and allow immediate corrective actions to be taken in the event of unexpected events.


Our customers’ needs change. We understand this. We are constantly improving, raising the competencies of our employees, constantly enhancing the processes taking place in the company, and introducing new organizational solutions. Meeting the expectations of our customers is the essence of our work.

Quality policy - MAGTRANS


Headquarters / Transportation Depot

ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 116
28-100 Busko Zdrój

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+48 41 370 46 00 /

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Caring for quality

ISO 9001:2015

The overriding goal of our operations is to ensure
customer satisfaction